Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Now what?

Yes, I got my wheel on Friday about 6 pm. No, I didn't get any pictures because I was too excited and forgot. I have spun all 8 oz. that came free with my purchase and now I am sitting here wondering if I can wait until Thursday to get more roving. I'm going to Lawrence on Thursday for a friend, but since the Yarn Barn is there, I might as well go. :) Well, I have to wait I guess because if I ordered anything now over the internet, it wouldn't get here until Friday at least. I'll have pictures soon of my first yarn, I even plied it and everything. It feels like rope, though. I think I have to work on not so much twist.

On the Birch front, I was doing okay until I realized I had an extra stitch and the whole pattern was a stitch off. I ripped back 3 whole rows and now I'm back to knitting.
Gotta get back to it!

1 comment:

JalynR said...

Thanks for the comment! I had too much fun on my yarn crawl. Now my bills are coming in..eek.