Thursday, September 14, 2006

I need to stop buying yarn

Okay, I don't think this should count as me getting more yarn, because this actually was ordered before the yarn crawl. I couldn't pass up the 30% off sale that Knit Happens was having a couple of weeks ago. The reason I hadn't posted about the yarn was that I was missing a skein of Koigu in the original shipment. The people at Knit Happens were very quick and kind about getting the lonely skein her buddy, so now I can post what I got; 2 skeins of Fleece Artist, Cherry Tree Hill in Peacock, and the 2 skeins of Koigu, p524.
For the 2 of you out there who might be wondering, here is my wheel:

Yep, I got a Lendrum DT and I didn't realize how lucky I was that I didn't have to wait for a backorder. I absolutely love it. Here is a pic of the first yarn I spun on my wheel. It's the free 8 oz. of Welsh top that I received with my order.
The hank in the front was plied normally, but the hank in the back was my feeble attempt at Navajo plying. Definitely can't do that one to save my life. And in my defense, that isn't all just my spinning. Of course, my DS and DD had to take a stab at it when they saw how much fun I was having. I only have one tiny little strip of roving left and my trip to Lawrence got canceled, so what am I to do? Yeah, I ordered some roving over the internet on Tuesday around 3:00, pretty soon after I posted. I can't believe that I received my order today! I ordered some pencil roving because I read that it is good for beginners, and now I can't use it. Just look at how beautiful it is!The little white bit is Blue Faced Leicester top just so I can try it. Based on how gorgeous the roving is and how fast it got to me, I can't recommend Crown Mountain Farms enough. So I think I need to go spin.

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