Friday, December 08, 2006

Okay, I admit I was a little hasty in casting on for H's argyle vest. When I first cast on for this vest I hadn't even done a gauge swatch. A friend of mine mentioned that wasn't like me, but I just wanted to get going with this project.

Well, when I discovered that the designer (my daughter, H) did not want ribbing in the bottom band and had to rip back anyway, I went ahead and did a gauge swatch. So now I have the correct gauge, everything is going great right? It would have gone great if I hadn't made a stupid math error in how many stitches to cast on!
So, after a few false starts, I finally have the bottom band to this vest started and I meet with a knitting buddy of mine. She kindly points out that I can't do intarsia if I'm knitting in the round (which I am). I take the Scarlett O'Hara approach and decide I'll think about that tomorrow. Or whenever I get to the point of having to knit the diamonds.

Well, my first attempt was NOT pretty. I was winging it and doing some kind of weird stranding. I realize there has to be something on the internet and I come upon this site which is perfect! Using the last method she describes, I finally have something close to the desired result:

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