Saturday, July 29, 2006

It's always good to come home

Okay, now that I'm back home I can blog and show y'all my new shoes. These are the ones I chose to show off my socks and I think they look pretty good with jeans. The added height is a nice bonus, too.

I had a great time in Texas and visited the yarn shop I like down there. I picked up one new sock yarn and the yarn for a sweater I thought I could handle, Green Gable. I casted on immediately since I finished my felted bag for my class. Here is the bag all felted but without the zipper. The DH is going to help me with putting that in, since he sews. I'm thinking of using it as an accessory bag for my knitting.

Since I'm in a pic posting mood, here is the progress shot on my green gable.
This is my first sweater done top down and I have to say I really like it. I love trying things on as I go. The only problem is that I try it on entirely too much. Oh, well!

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