Monday, October 23, 2006

A little bit of spinning

Here's my spinning progress so far:

I finally sat down and just started spinning. There are a couple of sections where I had the tension set too tight and didn't get enough twist, but I finally got it set right and things were pretty smooth after that.Now I'm just worried about how to ply it since I love the colors and don't want to muddy them up. My navajo plying stinks, though. Well, I have a little bit more until I need to worry about it.
On the knitting front, my clapotis is coming along. I'm still in the increase section, but I have also been working on these socks:

I feel guilty about how long it has taken me for these socks. They are a gift for a good friend of mine, but I got wrapped up in knitting Birch and now Clapotis. I will finish these socks by Thanksgiving, if not sooner!

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